4 Ways To Achieve Natural Looking Hair Extensions

Hair extensions are meant to be a beauty enhancement. To the average person, there should be little, if any, thought that the strands are not your own. However, your ability to accomplish this sort of look has everything to do with the extensions you choose and how you care for them. 1. Overlooking Texture Hair extensions are available in a wide range of textures, ranging from a straight texture with minimal waves to a tight z-like coil pattern. Read More 

Why Is Coolsculpting Becoming So Common For Fat Reduction?

Years ago, if you told someone you were having fat removed, they'd probably assume you were having liposuction. And you probably were having liposuction because it was really your only option. These days, however, fat reduction is almost becoming synonymous with another procedure called CoolSculpting. Why is CoolSculpting taking the fat reduction world by storm? Well, there are a few reasons. CoolSculpting does not require incisions. The first time you hear that you can reduce fat without incisions, you might think it's too good to be true. Read More 

A Guide To Safe Facial Treatments During Pregnancy

Pregnancy does not have to stop your visits to the spa; you can still reap the benefits of these services and enjoy some relaxing time, but you do need to be informed about the process. Learn more about spa facial treatments and pregnancy to ensure you have the best experience possible. Alert Staff You must let the technician know that you are pregnant before your appointment. Particularly as you progress into the third trimester, the idea of lying flat on your back for an extended period can be an overwhelmingly uncomfortable and sometimes unsafe practice. Read More 

Your First Time Having Your Hair Braided

If you have tight, curly hair, then having it braided is one way to keep it manageable and experiment with new and different styles. If you've had friends who have had their hair braided, then you probably already know that it takes the better part of the day and can be a little uncomfortable. It's not the easiest process, but it is worth it when you emerge from the salon with beautiful, bouncing braids. Read More 

Things To Know Before Having Your Hair Dyed Bright Colors

Bright or vibrant hair colors are becoming more popular. They can be a really fun way to set yourself apart and show your personality. However, having your hair dyed a bright color is a different process than having it dyed a natural color. Here are a few key things you should know before you take the plunge and get your bright, colorful hair. Your hair has to be bleached first. Read More